Friday, October 6, 2017

Mutate Yourself

1.What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you?
Hair Displacement Disorder

2.Describe the visible physical changes.
This mutation strain causes hair loss on certain parts of the head, but in turn causes it to grow on other parts of the face. As you can see here, it causes killer sideburns and an awesome beard.
3.Are there any physical changes that are not visible?  If so, describe.
Shaving with this condition immediately causes rashes and bad reactions, so I'm pretty much stuck with it now.
4.What emotional changes have you noticed?
I get really angry easily. I think it is because of the change in hormones that causes this hair to grow.
5.Have you gained any unusual skills or abilities? Describe.
I can freak people out a lot more now. Other than that I can sneak into Star Wars conventions extremely easily now.
6.Have you noticed any changes in habits? Describe.
I've stopped shaving entirely. I mean, people are gonna notice my epic facial hair before my stupid leg hair, right? Why bother with it? It's a lot easier to lie and say you can't shave any of your hair.
7.Have you noticed any changes in food preferences? Describe.
Not really. I've always been willing to eat anything anyway.
8.Has the mutation affected your social life/relationships?
I think I'm gonna go out to the forest and live in a castle, hoping some hot girl will come along and we can recreate a "Beauty and the Beast" scenario.
9.Has the mutation affected your studies or ability/desire to learn?
Despite all the weird physical changes I've had, I still am able to keep up with my classes. Nothing is really happening that will prevent me from going to college.
10.How has your mutation changed your plans for the future?
See number nine (9)

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