Saturday, April 28, 2018


1) He looked like a relatable character, someone who is socially awkward, but  a very nice friend when you get to know him.

2) I think this movie is a comedy,but someone could find meaning in the message of it, which I think makes it a very good movie.

3) I think Napoleon saw himself as a really cool guy, and he didn't care what other people thought.

4) He didn't have many skills, but I believe that with time he could have become a great artist. He clearly loved to do it and although he wasn't the best, over time he could become good at it. Also, he was great at dancing.

5) I think this movie is funniest for anti-Napoleons because they like to laugh at people like him, which is where a lot of the movie's humor came from

6) I don't think there's as much of a social structure in high school as people think from movies. Of course there's cliques of popular people, but there's the same thing with "nerdy" and unpopular kids, which is where Napoleon would fit in. I kind of fit in with this group as well, which I would rather be in than the "popular" group.

7) I would probably vote for Pedro because I'm not part of  the "popular" group and I'd probably be friends with him and hate Summer to be totally honest

8) Napoleon's biggest problem was that he had no friends and nobody seemed to like him in the beginning. Kip's seemed to be similar, he was lonely and didn't know what to do with his life. Uncle Rico was just broke and needed a scheme to make lots of money.

9) I think this means that Napoleon is supposed to be a completely average person in every sense of the word, but in the movie he does something completely unexpected.

10) I'm not really that popular, and I like lots of things that are considered "nerdy"

11) I think he was. He didn't seem upset from what people told him, and he was very happy doing his own thing, like drawing or dancing.

12) Maybe he just liked those boots. I wear the same shoes everywhere because they're  comfortable and I don't really care if people don't like them, like he probably didn't.

13) I don't think he will ever be looked at by other students as something other than a dork, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing, it's just him being himself 

14) I think in 20 years, Napoleon will be working as some kind of creator, possibly even with his own show or something, with Deb and Pedro as his partners in his creation. Kip will probably be working at some office job, and Uncle Rico will probably still be trying to come up with a scheme to make money

15) I would love to have a pet dragon (I already have a leopard gecko, he's my tiny dragon)

16) I think tots made out of other vegetables would be really good

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